Selasa, 27 Januari 2009


Ichigo's Relationships

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Being the primary protagonist of the story, Ichigo has encountered many different characters throughout the series, whether it be family, friends, allies, or enemies. The most prominent of these relationships are listed below: (Note that Ichigo is very protective of his friends, and has yet to act on or reveal any romantic feelings he may or may not have for any of those he considers "friends")




Isshin Kurosaki

Ichigo and his father have a very unusual relationship. It is very clear that they love each other like most fathers and sons do, but Isshin tends to "train" Ichigo by physically assaulting him, usually when he's asleep, prompting a frustrated Ichigo to retaliate rather violently. Even so, Isshin deeply cares about Ichigo, to the point were he saved his body (Kon was in his body at the time) from an attack by the Grand Fisher, and discussed his parenting skills with Uryū Ishida's father. Ichigo often addresses Isshin as "temee", which is a very offensive form of "you" in Japanese, something no ordinary son would do to a father (especially in Japan, a country where elders and parents are highly respected).

Orihime Inoue

Originally a friend of Tatsuki, one of Ichigo's friends from school, she admired Ichigo from afar until he pacified the soul of her brother early in the series. They have become quite close since then and Ichigo has shown to be able to talk to Orihime about things that trouble him as revealed when he was unable to stop the Shinigami from apprehending Rukia and spoke to Orihime about it in order to get it off his chest. Due to exposure to Ichigo she developed spirit powers manifesting itself as six spirits. She lives alone since her brother passed away sometime before the series started. She loves him, but it is not known whether he shares similar feelings. He did go into a state of depression when she was attacked by Yammy and he couldn't protect her. It should also be noted that he became immediately hostile towards Ulquiorra after he said that he kidnapped her. He also managed to stop one of Grimmjow's attacks barehanded after Orihime pleaded to him to not die. Having been kidnapped by Ulquiorra, Ichigo and the others went to Las Noches to save her, just like he'd traveled to the Seireitei during Rukia's capture. In his current battle with Ulquiorra, Ulquiorra speculates that one possible reason why Ichigo might have withstood his cero without the use of his mask is because of her. Orihime has also demonstrated that she is perceptive, mostly when it comes to Ichigo. She has the uncanny ability to detect Ichigo by scent and sense his spiritual pressure, even when masked by a powerful barrier.


Chad is one of the best friends of Ichigo from the school. They once fought together against a group of bullies, and after that, promised to protect and help each other in any situation that calls for it. Ichigo mispronounced his name wrong as Chad instead of Sado when they met, but he continued to call him Chad afterwards.

Uryū Ishida

One of the last remaining Quincy left in the world. He initially had an intense hatred for the Soul Society, especially Captain Mayuri Kurotsuchi, due to the fact that they were responsible not only for his grandfather's death, but for the decline of his entire species, and directed his anger towards Ichigo despite being entirely innocent on that matter. Ichigo, likewise, viewed him with contempt and disdain for endangering his friends lives by "calling forth" an army of hollows to his school. However, after his defeat, Uryū and Ichigo now consider themselves friends despite Uryū's usually cold demeanor and Ichigo's short-tempered persona.

Tatsuki Arisawa

Tatsuki is a student at the Karakura High School, one of Ichigo's classmates, and is his childhood friend and karate partner. When they were children, Tatsuki regularly saved Ichigo when he was getting beaten up, as well as cheering him up when he was upset. During most of their interactions, Tatsuki and Ichigo share an equal amount of trust, respect, and loyalty to one another, and will often give each other a fair amount of emotional support when needed. Tatsuki also cares deeply about Ichigo's well-being, as most of his friends do, and was quite sympathetic towards him when his mother died. She even stated that she "hated seeing him suffer as much as he did when his mom died". Recently, Tatsuki is now wel-aware not only of the existence of the arrancar, but of the fact that Ichigo is a shinigami, and witnessed his fight with Grimmjow during his assault on Karakura town. Obviously concerned for her childhood friend, but in no position to help, Tatsuki decides not to tell the others about this, especially Ichigo until she deemded it necessary. When Orihime gets taken away to Hueco Mundo, Tatsuki is noticeably upset at her sudden disappearance and frantically searches for her. When she finds nothing, she immediately confronts Ichigo, aware of his role as a shinigami, to ascertain the truth. However, Ichigo, knowing that she wouldn't provide much assistance in the rescue attempt (and would die in the process), stubbornly refuses to inform her of anything, in which Tatsuki becomes angry and violent over his reluctance to explain himself. She then reveals to him that she is able to sense both his and Orihime's reiatsu, and can see Ichigo in his shinigami form, as well as the arrancar. After coldly denying his 'involvement' in Orihime's sudden disappearance, even after she revealed her knowledge about his dual-life, Tatsuki punches Ichigo's head through a window and shouts at him for not telling her what he knows. She is restrained by Keigo and Mizuiro, while Ichigo walks away coldly telling his friends not to get involved. However, while unnecessarily cruel, severing his ties with his friends was the only thing he could have done to ensure their survival. Unwilling to give up on both of her friends, she is later accompanied by Keigo Asano and Mizuiro Kojima to Urahara's Shop and sees Ichigo leaving for Hueco Mundo.

Masaki Kurosaki

Masaki was, as Ichigo described in the English dub, "the heart of the entire family", and was Ichigo's main female influence during his childhood. As Tatsuki Arisawa stated to Orihime, whenever he saw his mother, regardless of what his current condition is, even if he was crying, his usual happy, smiling persona would immediately return, as if nothing ever happened to him. Masaki's death at the hands of the Grand Fisher completely changed Ichigo's personality; he turned from a happy, smiling mama's boy to a scowling, short-tempered individual who distanced himself not only from his friends and classmates, but from his family as well. He also vowed not to let anyone he cared about to die because he couldn't protect them, and shut away most of his emotions in order for him not to feel that emotionally-scarred ever again. Recently, however, he seems to have slightly opened up to his friends, though not as much when Masaki was still alive.


Rukia Kuchiki

Ichigo has a unique, complex, and dynamic relationship with Rukia: At times, they are bickering adversaries, and at other times, despite these quarrels, the two have a deep understanding of each other, often giving each other a considerable amount of emotional support when needed. It is seen that at times Ichigo cares about her. Most of their scenes together involve them yelling and making faces at each other, regardless of where they are or who's witnessing their 'confrontations', friends, allies, and enemies alike. They also share similar feelings of loss and guilt: Ichigo thought he was responsible for his mother's death and Rukia's near-execution, while Rukia thought she was responsible for the death of one of her commanding officers , and considered Ichigo's apparent death during her fault. In battle, as seen during the first two movies, Ichigo and Rukia work near-flawlessly together. It is worth noting that their love-hate relationship has some romantic feelings. In the third movie, the movie had made it clear that Ichigo probably has some feelings for Rukia.

Kisuke Urahara

He owns the shinigami-item-selling Urahara Shop, is former captain of 12th Division, and was creator of the Hōgyoku. He is highly intelligent, always knows more then he lets on, and is a guiding force throughout the series, often helping the Ryoka in their missions. Kisuke tends to be rather secretive towards Ichigo, neglecting to tell him about the Hōgyoku, and not informing him of his knowledge that Ichigo's father Isshin was once a Shinigami (though, Isshin himself might've requested it, but it's still unclear). Despite his frequent annoyance with Urahara, Ichigo still seems to respect him, readily identifying the former Captain as being his sensei when asked by Ikkaku Madarame.

Renji Abarai

The second Shinigami Ichigo encounters (Rukia being the first). They initially viewed each other with contempt during The Sereitei Conspiracy, despite wanting to prevent Rukia's execution, and repeatedly fought each other during the Ryoka Invasion, but later become friends as the story progresses. Renji and Ichigo tend to have the same views on life and have virtually the same personality, making some mistake them as brothers a number of times during the Bount arc. To keep things simple, Ichigo stated that they're "cousins". Throughout the series, Renji helps Ichigo on several occasions, such as preventing Rukia's execution and fighting the Espada, despite his loyalties to the Soul Society, though they can engage in verbal confrontations with one another, similar to Ichigo's relationship with Rukia.

Byakuya Kuchiki

Ichigo initially views Byakuya as something of a monster for allowing Rukia's execution to take place, but later changes his opinion of him after their battle in the Sokyoku Hill. Though now allies, Byakuya doesn't particularly like Ichigo, especially because he doesn't use honorifics when addressing him and refers to him by his given name, which Byakuya finds insulting and annoying, much like Histugaya. However, Byakuya still respects him, despite not using any honorifics, and views him as valuable ally against Aizen and the arrancar. The same could be said for Ichigo.

Yoruichi Shihōin

When first encountered, she is in the form of a small black cat with a deep male voice, initially leading Ichigo and the others to believe that she was a male until she transformed. She helps Ichigo and his friends infiltrate the Soul Society during Rukia's execution. Prior to the execution, she helped Ichigo learn his Bankai in three days through a special kind of training for his battle with Byakuya. During this time, she transformed in front of Ichigo (twice in the anime), amused by his reaction. The two typically have a fair amount of respect for one another and will often assist each other during their battles against the arrancar, usually through training, medical assistance, or actual fighting. The same is true with Urahara.

Kenpachi Zaraki

Kenpachi was the second Shinigami and first captain that Ichigo fought (excluding Byakuya). They both respect each other (even though Ichigo only calls him "Kenpachi") and consider each other allies, despite their earlier fight. Kenpachi's personality traits parallel Ichigo's and due to their (subtle) similarities, Kenpachi will give insight to the inward struggle Ichigo has, while he seems to contend with, as seen during Ichigo's Vizard Training. One may even state that, due to their similarities, Kenpachi, like Kaien, Renji, and Grimmjow, is what Ichigo may be if he had embraced both his inwardly animalistic self, and the incredible power that his inner hollow wields, instead of fearing and disregarding it. However, Kenpachi apparently craves a rematch with Ichigo, due to the fact that he was the only person to have beaten him in combat, and always challenges him to a duel whenever off-duty. Ichigo himself does not wish for a rematch, however, (likely because he no longer has a reason to fight with the 11th Division captain), and tends to run away whenever asked for another fight, even feeling his will to fight him from far away.


Ichigo has no interaction with Soifon in the manga, but in the anime, they've encountered each other in Bleach: The DiamondDust Rebellion and again during the New Captain Amagai Arc. During the Kusaka Incident, Ichigo breaks through a barrier that Soifon set up and questioned a crime scene. Soifon states that there's "normally no reason to explain the situation to a substitute", but she decides to tell him the information she knows anyway. It's unknown if she did this because of the respect Ichigo's earned from the Soul Society, or if it's because of the degree of the crime (involving the security of the powerful King's Seal). During the Amagai arc, she and the 2nd Division attempt to stop both him and Rukia from stopping the wedding between Rurichiyo Kasumiōji and Shuu Kannogi. She then admits that she had some respect for Ichigo before then and questions his actions for stopping the wedding, but she lets him speak to Rurichiyo, who then claims the she didn't know him (though, this later turns out to be an imposter). While she respects Ichigo for his combat prowess and accomplishments, she holds great disdain towards his refusal to adhere the Soul Society's laws.

Tōshirō Hitsugaya

Hitsugaya and Ichigo had little interaction throughout the course of the series, and Ichigo consistently refers to him as "Tōshirō", which Hitsugaya finds both insulting and annoying, repeatedly stating that "the proper way" to address him is to call him "Captain Hitsugaya". However, despite this and their rare interactions, Hitsugaya has some degree of respect for Ichigo, assisting him in Senna's rescue, and explains to his sister (during the Arrancar Arc) that although he doesn't have knowledge of Ichigo's whereabouts, he's confident that Ichigo's working to get stronger. During the movie Bleach: The DiamondDust Rebellion, Ichigo aids the then rogue Tōshirō, unconvinced that he has betrayed Soul Society to help Sōjirō Kusaka. When the final battle occurs, Ichigo tells Tōshirō of his feelings concerning his mother's death, that are much like his own concerning Sōjirō.

Jushiro Ukitake

Although they have rarely interacted, Captain Ukitake displays great respect for Ichigo, and initially seemed to notice the boy's close resemblance to his former lieutenant. Having been grateful for Ichigo's help during the Soul Society arc, Ukitake presented him with the substitute shinigami badge so that he could continue fighting hollows in the world of the living without relying on the use of a ginkongan. He also noted during a conversation with Shuhei Hisagi that Rukia became much more sociable after encountering Ichigo and his friends,most likely due to his resemblance to Kaien. During the Amagai arc, Ukitake has been shown to willingly disregard direct orders from General Yamamoto in order to help Ichigo succeed in whatever task he has set upon himself to complete, the same is true with Ukitake's former colleague and closest friend, Captain Shunsui Kyōraku. Again, all this might stem from Ichigo's nearly-identical resemblance to Kaien, both in regards to their appearances and personalities, and Ukitake was one of Kaien's closest friends.

Shigekuni Yamamoto-Genryūsai

As the leader of the Gotei 13, Yamamoto respect Ichigo's abilities as a shinigami, but looks down upon him for his refusal to adhere to the Soul Society's laws. In turn, Ichigo shows little-to-no respect for the old general, publicly referring to him as "gramps", even in face-to-face conversation. The only order that Ichigo ever received from Yamamoto was to remain in Karakura Town, and not to rescue Orihime Inoue, vow branded as a traitor, after she is kidnapped by Ulquiorra, but he promptly ignores this command and heads out with his friends without the formal consent of the Soul Society. Despite this, Yamamoto later sends four captains to Las Noches to assist them, ultimately saving their lives, while also dividing and weakening the offensive forces of the Gotei 13. During the Amagai arc, Yamamoto also witnesses Ichigo's hollowfication during his battle with Shūsuke Amagai, but displayed no signs of hostility towards the boy after the fight.

Kenzaki "Kenryū" Ryūsei


Ulquiorra Schiffer

Ulquiorra was the second Espada Ichigo encountered (Yammy was the first), and for the majority of his interaction with Ichigo, doesn't see him as a threat. Ulquiorra is confident that Ichigo's wildly fluctuating power levels will eventually destroy him. Ichigo initially didn't have much of an opinion of the "Cuatro Espada" until he kidnapped Orihime, upon which Ichigo acquired a great dislike of him, though Ulquiorra's opinion of Ichigo remains. In their first fight, Ulquiorra didn't sustain any injuries despite not even drawing his sword and facing a full-powered Ichigo (though, it should be noted that Ichigo burned up his spirit energy in his fight with Dordonii). This battle leaves Ichigo temporarily dead and Ulquiorra with a slightly tattered uniform. After Aizen seals off all of the Gargantua portals, he draws his sword to face Ichigo in combat, prompting Ichigo to ask if he considers him a worthy opponent. Ulquiorra's response is that he sees him as an enemy that needs to be eliminated, and Ichigo claims that it's "good enough for [him]".

Grimmjow Jeagerjaques

Ichigo and Grimmjow have, without a doubt, the greatest rivalry depicted throughout the series. Grimmjow and Ichigo both have a certain respect for each other, despite the ferocity of their fights. Though they have nearly identical personality traits, their fighting styles and motivations are different; Ichigo is a duelist (swordsman), whereas Grimmjow is a brawler (melee fighter), and has yet to learn Kido and Hakuda from Kisuke and Yoruichi. Ichigo also fights for his friends and family, whereas Grimmjow is fights for his own benefit, going so far as to repeatedly disobey Aizen's orders by invading Karakura Town without authorization, allowing his Fracción to die during the battle without a shred of remorse, openly disrespecting one of his superiors, and attacking one of his "comrades", in order to satisfy his need for vengeance against Ichigo. During their third fight, after Grimmjow was defeated, Ichigo grabbed his wrist and gently put him on the ground, with pity in his eyes, and chose not to finish him off. Additionally, after Grimmjow arose from the ground and attacked Ichigo again, he practically begged Grimmjow to "let it go" and stop fighting, now that he has been defeated. Grimmjow, however, stubbornly refused to "give in" and was unexpectedly blindsided by Nnoitra, prompting Ichigo to defend him from Nnoitra's second attack and berate the latter for attacking a defenseless opponent. It is still unknown whether Grimmjow is alive, and if he is, whether his attitude towards Ichigo has changed after his decision to protect him from Nnoitra.

Neliel Tu Oderschvank

When Ichigo first encounters her, she is a young, child-like, amnesic Arrancar kid chased by her former Fracción, Pesche Guatiche, Dondochakka Bilstin and Bawabawa. After Ichigo rushes in to rescue her, it's revealed that they were playing "eternal tag". Nel usually acts as a sort of younger sibling to him, which somewhat annoys him. Though, when he isn't being manhandled by Neliel, Ichigo considers her a valuable friend, particularly when she's in her adult form, due to her ex-Espada status. She somehow retains her child-like affection for Ichigo even as Neliel.

Dordonii Alessandro Del Socacchio


Shinji Hirako

When he appeared as an ordinary student, Shinji tried to convince Ichigo to join them but Ichigo refused. However, once he became unable to control his inner hollow, Ichigo asked for help from Shinji and other Vizards. Ichigo refers to Shinji as Hirako. Shinji became very upset when he learnt that Ichigo went to Hueco Mundo by himself without giving a prior notice to him.

Hiyori Sarugaki



Ichigo first meets Senna in the movie Bleach: Memories of Nobody. When they first meet, Ichigo and Rukia are standing in the middle of a group of hostile Blanks, confused on what action they should take. Senna appears from nowhere and dispatches the Blanks (despite Ichigo's protests). Rukia leaves for the Soul Society afterwards, suggesting Ichigo keep an eye on Senna. At first, Ichigo is rather annoyed by Senna's carefree nature and is somewhat frustrated when he finds out she took a ribbon without paying for it (which he goes to the store to pay for it instead). However, he seems to hold Senna in high regard, afterwards; he protected her from the Dark Ones, refused to hand her over to the shinigami, disobeyed General Yamamoto's orders not to go the the Valley of Screams, risked his life to save her from Ganryū, and suggests to her that she did once exist as a living human being just moments before she disappears. At the end of Bleach: Memories of Nobody, Ichigo catches Senna's ribbon and seems to remember Senna (despite the fact that Rukia told him that any memory relating to the Memory Rosary would fade away). Like Rukia, Ichigo's relationship with Senna has romantic potential, which could be explored even further should she return to the series.

Rurichiyo Kasumiōji


Ichigo doesn't appear to think much of the Dark Ones, the main villains during the first Bleach movie, and simply views them as nothing more than easily-dispensable enemies of the Soul Society, yet he holds their leader, Ganryū, the orchestrator of the Shinenju Affair, in contempt for endangering the life of one of his friends (and possible love interest), and swiftly killed him without a shred of remorse. This also marks one of the few notable fatalities that Ichigo has committed throughout the series; Ganryū was one of the only villains that Ichigo has personally killed.

Hanza Nukui

Gyōkaku Kumoi

As with Kusaka and Ganryū, Ichigo doesn't seem to think much of Kumoi, one of the main antagonists during the Amagai arc, and simply views him as a "crazy, power-hungry old prick that doesn't give a damn about other people's needs". Kumoi, likewise, views him as "an annoying brat that constantly foils my plans". While his opinion of him remains, Kumoi's dishonorable methods (i.e. kidnapping a young princess) further angers/annoys him. As such, during the suppression of the Kasumiōji compound, Ichigo displayed slight, yet unusual eagerness in regards to his then-eventual death, easily slaughtered his minions while heading towards his hideout, and was prepared to kill him should he refuse to hand over Lurichiyo. However, Amagai arrived, prevented the rescue attempt, and killed Kumoi in Ichigo's place, much to the latter's surprise and confusion.

Shūsuke Amagai

Jin Kariya

Hollow Ichigo

Most likely Ichigo's most complex relationship, "the hollow" is Ichigo's hollow side, and is therefore something of a split personality. Ichigo and the Hollow are in a constant power struggle with one another, as both wish to become the dominate personality. The Hollow apparently has more control over the power than Ichigo does, and is arguably the more powerful combatant. During battle, the Hollow tends to use rather brutal methods as a means to taunt Ichigo, and will openly insult him by mocking his apparent inability to properly defend himself from his opponents, and to protect his comrades from them. However, this is just a means for him to provoke Ichigo into relying on his inwardly animalistic self (effectively becoming more of a hollow) not only to defeat his opponents, but to obtain more power, and become stronger than both him and Zangetsu, thus serving as an estranged adviser to Ichigo about conflict. The motivation for this is still debatable; either Zangetsu himself may have influenced this, or the Hollow recognizes Ichigo's potential and wishes to obtain his half of the incredible power that they both share, either by becoming the dominant personality, or by allowing Ichigo to utilize his hollow's abilities whenever in combat.

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